Wednesday, 13 February 2008

2008 - a non-biking biker's start to the Year

Well, Christmas was full of pasta and wine and puddings and cheese and steak and more cheese and more puddings and and alot more wine and not a deal of biking.

Business was busy, so concentrated on that and manged a couple of small tiny local rides and some turbo trainer sessions. But that's an improvement on previous maybe things will bode well for 2008?

Jan went well....-ish - upped Turbo sessions and I've started running for the first time since school. I reckon 20+years since I ran. Not looking to break any records. Just supplementing biking/turbo'ing and using it as way to drop way. F*ck me was it hard at first. Idea is to stick to runs under an hour and get up to twice a week. On 6th week of running now. Main route is 4 miles and I can do that comforably in 36 mins (I told you no speed records!) and I've done a 6 miler once. I'm also past the stage where I need to stop and walk briskly...:)

Feb upon us and the weather is glorious. Not sure how long that will hold...I foresee at last snow and ice blast come end of feb/march...who knows? Still turbo-ing and running. And done a couple of small local rides out on the lanes to get legs spinning. Need to get into some 3 and 4+ hour rides ASAP. Hmmm....maybe this weekend.

This year, I'm entered for the TransWales in August and the D2D solo in OCt. Maybe this Pines Niterider 12 thing in APril...if I can be ready in time. It's certainly in the diary. And I'll try and get a Merida or two in before TransWales. Not sold on 24hr solo event yet. Abbot and Bogus were insane for the Strathpuffer me thinks (much respect is due though) - but I fancy a 24hr as a two man team. Let's see if Rone and I can't get our fingers out and get something entered - should be fun.

Here's hoping we get the summer we deserve after last year's washout and that I actally get on the bike for longer than an hour in the next few weeks :).



  1. I will come over and rev you up shortly...

    There will be a ride on Sunday with Matt and Neil if anyone wants it!

  2. Hmmmm, I fancy sunday, but will have late night Sat. I'll prob do my bigger ride local on saturday....
