Monday, 31 March 2008

Challenge Annika

Right....lovely day yesterday and all fired up now. So need to keep up the momentum.

So, here we go....I'm going to try and average 100 miles per week for April and May. It's not loads, but a big commitment/jump for me and I need to get it under my belt for the Trans in August. I'll still run at least once a week.

Now just have to make sure I do it.....past experience does not bode well, but I'm confident I'll crack it this time...

Lincoln and Beyond

Nice day yesterday day, wind pushed me all the way to West Ashby. Starting in Clumber and taking back lanes to Harby and then almost all cycle paths to Horncastle. 3hrs 40mins. 14.3avs.

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Running - exercise of the devil

Still plodding on and training to up exercise regime. Main aim is to up distance (and endurance)...someway off that but getting there.

Have been doing regular turbos (2+ times a week, for an hour) and am now getting out for a ride on my actual bike in the evenings. Just need to slot at least one good longer ride in at weekends,then I am happy.

I've also been running again. After shinsplint episode, I rested 2 weeks and then found my good old foot arch supports and have been sticking to my 4 mile run and trying to run on the verge most of the time (when it's light anyway).

Ran last night. I enjoy the cross-training, the endorphin hit and being to get my HR up for 35-40mins easily...but f*ck me, running is horrible. I'll keep doing it...but I have no idea while people bother doing it all the time and especially why they do mad miles.

Angus, you're off your head.

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Pines 12hr Enduro 19/20th April

So who's up for this? On a Sat/Sun - I'm up for doing it as a solo/pairs/team, however it falls. I know there is an Adventure race on the Sunday but I would sooner do this local.


Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Bar for Bison & Strathpuffer film of Bison/Bogus

I thought a few of us may need a bit of help in this department. £1.50 for a good Poo or just try some of Bison's new veg fest stew instead..

Strathpuffer film - BBC

Here is the link to the BBC film "The Adventure Show" of Tim and Angus's 24hr night ride enduro, "Strathpuffer" January in Scotland. Tim features at about 51 mins muttering all manner of crap. Please post if you spot Angus.

Hurry though as the film has only 4 days left to play.