Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Bar for Bison & Strathpuffer film of Bison/Bogus

I thought a few of us may need a bit of help in this department. £1.50 for a good Poo or just try some of Bison's new veg fest stew instead..

Strathpuffer film - BBC

Here is the link to the BBC film "The Adventure Show" of Tim and Angus's 24hr night ride enduro, "Strathpuffer" January in Scotland. Tim features at about 51 mins muttering all manner of crap. Please post if you spot Angus.

Hurry though as the film has only 4 days left to play.


  1. 51 minutes in? Sod that :)

    I got some of the new Torq gels which are good. Or certainly seem to work for my 13 minute turbo training sessions or my 200yard runs...:)

  2. You can just FF it.

    It's a bit lame as a doco, but funny to see people falling off all the time.

    Looks nasty fun.

  3. Actually I've watched it all now and Bison appears three times but no Angus ... I'm wondering if Angus was even there?
