Tuesday 19 August 2008

Tom - TW Day 3

Second special stage at Brechfa Forest. (Abergorlech Trail)
followed by –
Third linking stage from Abergorlech to Tregaron
Distance: approx. 71 Km
Metres of climbing: approx. 1856 m

"Not a great night's sleep due to weather. Tent held up very well. Bit of damp here and there but there's people much worse off. Rain, very heavy at times alnight. Trails will be awful today. Hard day ahead."

"I had an ace off in a rainwater power river. Nearly ******* went with it. My legs are fine. Knees great. Back not too bad. But I'm really ******* nutrition. Need to crack that tommorow or really gonna have problems. That's what ****** today. My own fault. Not sure I'll manage another special stage. They're thurs and fri. But might try. But really really have to eat and drink properly. Had some very low points today because of it."

"The conditions have been shit, they've sacked off a few of the slots. And the distances have been longer than they've said. I would never have made it today. Bike was nightmare shifting especially the front. In open men some have already retired. There are 101 left. Leader on 19hrs 7 mins. I'm 88th on 19hrs 50ish:)"

"Chatting to mechanic. He said we're 3 days in. We've changed 20 sram shifters and 10 mechs. We've only changed 1 shimano. That made my week."

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